Monday, December 28, 2009

Got email password recovery setting notification, and think

When I logon google email account today, Google mail notified me that I have not set email password recovery options yet.

It recalled my painful experience on password recovery: when I reset yahoo email password a year ago, somehow I can not logon the yahoo mail with either the old one and the new one; Then I tried to use reset password, and realized that I could not remembered my secondary email address to retrieve password, because I set it up 10 years ago. I also could not answer the tricky questions from yahoo mail: when you registered your account, and what is your zip code etc. In addition, the yahoo technical support could not do anything more than what the web provided, then I gave up my yahoo account, which is my primary account for 10 years, since then, I step away from yahoo.

Password recovery quit often happens. When password recovery is needed, the user really expect it work with security and convenience. Traditionally, we use web-based questionnaires. It is good for this application, not so good in the real world. When we have set same answer to the same/similar question on different web sites, the risk of identity fault is increased.
The new ways to deliver password recovery are desired. Google Mail uses secondary email, or SMS text messages as additional options for password recovery.

Notification is also important to get the user update information. the obsoleted information might caused unpredictable inconvenience during the password recovery as I experienced. If yahoo mail sent notification to me and remind me to update my answer to the questionnaires periodically, I might have chance to recovery the password and I might still primarily use yahoo mail .

Thursday, July 9, 2009

netapp management port only allows single session

When an open session with netapp controller management interface, you would not get ping, telnet and ssh to the same session through the network. By disconnecting existing session, I was able to connect it from another location. I assumed that this feature prevent multiple management session on managing same device.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

reduce AIX installation time

by default, it would take 2 hours to install AIX 6.1 BOS by restoring 454 files and 77 addtional files from 4 CDs. it is quite human interactive on this installation procedure. To prevent human involving, and to reduce installation time, many options are avaliable:
1. setup NIM for the iscsi installation, or
2. install minimum set of lpp source.

for the option 2, the installation time would improve to around 1 hour by deselecting graphical software, and system management clients package. the first CD is sufficient to the installation, saving effort on swapping CD.